Seminar & events

Seminar and journal club in Population genetics and Bioinformatics

Teaching module on KSL: 10854-HS2024-0
Seminar schedule on ILIAS with PDFs

Local or invited speakers present their work or reviews of a particular topic in the field of Population Genetics. Journal club sessions are integrated into the seminar, and attending students are required to read the papers in advance before each session.

  • Time: unless specified otherwise, every Monday, at 11:15
  • Place: Baltzerstrasse 6, D110
  • Contact: Laurent Excoffier

Below is the list of forthcoming events. We also maintain a list of previous seminars.

Seminar and journal club in Population genetics and Bioinformatics
16.09.2024  Introduction
Dr. Kevin Korfmann, Technical University of Munich, Germany
ARG-oriented population genomic inference using Deep Learning Methods
30.09.2024  JC: Tatjana Lero
Carbek et al. 2023 Candidate genes under selection in song sparrows co-vary with climate and body mass in support of Bergmann’s Rule. Sup. GH
07.10.2024 JC: Tim Schlatter
Nosil et al. 2023. Complex evolutionary processes maintain an ancient chromosomal inversion. Sup. SP
14.10.2024 Sascha Künzler
Veller and Simons 2024 Stabilizing selection generates selection against introgressed DNA. Sup. SO

21.10.2024 Prof. Fanny Pouyet, Université Paris Sarclay, France
Beyond Recombination: Exploring the Impact of Facultative Sex on Genome-wide Genetic Diversity

28.10.2024 JC: Thomas von Graffenried
Dehasque et al. 2024. Temporal dynamics of woolly mammoth genome erosion prior to extinction. Sup. LE

04.11.2024 JC: Luise Schnabel
Cubaynes et al. 2022. Disease outbreaks select for mate choice and coat color in wolves. Sup GH

11.11.2024 JC: Federico Silva Gutierez
Le Veve et al. 2024. The genetic architecture of the load linked to dominant and recessive self-incompatibility alleles in Arabidopsis halleri and A. lyrata. Sup. SS

18.11.2024 JC: Qingdong Zhu 
Rose et al. 2023. Dating the origin and spread of specialization on human hosts in Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. Sup. AK
25.11.2024 Dr. Manas Joshi, University hospital Groningen, Netherlands
Comparative and population genomics analyses of Transcription factor-DNA interactions
02.12.2024 JC: Sarai Verdu Cruz
Pape et al. 2024. Sex contextualism in laboratory research: Enhancing rigor and precision in the study of sex-related variables. Sup. SS

09.12.2024 Prof. Isabel Alves, Université de Strasbourg, France
The genomic history of domestication of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Dr. Mehmet Somel, Department of Biological Sciences, Middle East Technical University, Ankara
(emails can be found on our web page)
SP: Stephan Peischl
SO: Sandra Da Silva Oliveira
SS: Stefan Strütt
AK: Adamandia Kapopoulou
GH: Gerald Heckel
LE: Laurent Excoffier
The list of papers for the JC can be found on Ilias here