Titleimage: Population Genetics

People in the Computational and Molecular Population Genetics (CMPG) lab use molecular techniques, theoretical developments, and computer simulations to reconstruct the demographic history of populations and species from genetic data, and to test between alternative evolutionary scenarios.
We explore the genomic diversity of voles and humans in order to discover which genes have recently responded to selection, for instance to adapt to new environments.
We are also interested in quantifying the effect of range expansions and colonisation processes on genetic diversity, since these demographic events can lead to molecular signatures resembling those of selection.
We also develop and maintain computer programs to study and simulate the genetic diversity of populations, infer demographic parameters under complex scenarios, and detect loci under selection from genome scan.
The CMPG lab is affiliated to the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics.


Congratulations to Flávia Schlichta for her PhD!!!

On Tuesday 17th December 2024, Flávia brilliantly defended her PhD entitled "Consequences of range expansions on neutral and functional genomic diversity"

Congratulations to Qindong Tang for her PhD

On the 25th of October 2023, Qindong Tang successfully defended her PhD dissertation entitled “Unravelling cryptic radiation and high-altitude adaptation in a migratory bird species complex” supervised by Manuel Schweizer and Gerald Heckel. All the best Dr. Tang!

Congratulations to Xuejing Wang for her PhD

On the 6th of June 2023, Xuejing Wang successfully defended her Ph.D. dissertation entitled “On the balance of drift and selection: the evolution of the Orkney vole” supervised by Gerald Heckel. All the best, Dr. Wang!


Congratulations to Lars Bosshard for his PhD

Congratulation to Dr. Lars Bosshard for his very successful PhD defense on 28.04.2018 of his thesis entitled "Investigation of the impact of bacterial range expansion and their functional genomic diversity" supervised by Stephan Peischl, Martin Ackermann and Laurent Excoffier.


Congratulations to Moritz Saxenhofer for his PhD

On the 4th of May 2018, Moritz Saxenhofer successfully defended his PhD dissertation entitled “Evolution and diversification of Tula hantavirus” supervised by Gerald Heckel.


Congratulations to Miriam Zemanova for her PhD

On the 9th of December 2016, Miriam Zemanova successfully defended her PhD work, entitled Combining genetics, ecology and modelling to understand the invasion of Arion slugs, supervised by Eva Knop and Gerald Heckel.


Congratulations to Joana Meier for her PhD

On the 26th of May 2016, Joana Meier successfully defended her PhD work, entitled The role of hybridization in adaptive radiation: Genomic insights from Lake Victoria cichlids, supervised by Ole Seehausen, Laurent Excoffier and Catherine E. Wagner.


Congratulations to David Marques for his PhD

On the 10th of May 2016, David Marques successfully defended his PhD work, entitled Population Genomics of Adaptive Radiation: A Threespine Stickleback Perspective, supervised by Ole Seehausen, Laurent Excoffier and Catherine E. Wagner.



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